Unlock Value,
A Decentralized Locked Liquidity Marketplace.

A New Way to Exchange Value in DeFi
Use DROPS to buy,sell, and trade locked liquidity through our
peer to peer decentralized marketplace. Or, use ETH for a fee.

Invest Today,
Secure Tomorrow
Realize guaranteed profits by buying locked liquidity at a
reduced rate. Flip locked assets to accelerate returns.
Buy Locked Liquidity
Skip The Wait,
Get paid Today
Autonomously sell your locked assets. Create a listing,
choose your price and let us find the buyer.
Sell Locked Liquidity

Drops’ ethics & security protocols
Open-Source & Built on-chain.
750k +
In Value Traded
100,000 +
Locked Days Saved.
100 +
Pairs Sold
A Marketplace you Can Trust
Your safety is our top priority. Drops’ security measures
mitigate risks by blocking listings with functions and
supply distributions which could be used maliciously.
An Open Source Framework
We value transparency. Our open source & audited smart
contracts are easily viewable by anyone, both on-chain and
through our online repositories.
Earning With DROPS
Benefit from our marketplace in multiple ways. DROPS is bought
off the market and distributed as rewards using fees associated
with platform use.
Become a Pillar of the Ecosystem
Get rewarded for the stability you bring to the marketplace
by adding and staking LP, or by staking DROPS. All rewards
are received in market-bought DROPS.
Earn on Every Transaction
Users buy & sell DROPS when trading through our marketplace,
allowing you to earn on token trading fees. ETH brokerage
fees are also shared.
Tiered Earnings
Join one of our three tiers to start earning DROPS today. 80% of
market-bought DROPS are shared with pool contributors, the other
20% are burned forever.
Can the Drops Marketplace be used to “rug pull”?
No, The Drops Marketplace can not be used to Rug Pull in any
way. When a lock is sold on the DROPS Marketplace, the
liquidity still remains locked until the pre-determined unlock
What are the risks of listing/selling my lock?
No risks are incurred when listing or selling your locked
liquidity. Your lock ownership is safely stored by our
open-sourced & audited smart contract until sold. Users may
withdraw their listings at any time.
What are the risks of buying locked liquidity?
If proper due diligence is done when buying locked liquidity,
risks are negligible. Learn more about safely buying locked
liquidity here:
How do I Buy or Sell locked liquidity ?
Navigate to app.drops.site to begin buying or selling locked
liquidity today.
What Fees does DROPS Charge?
The Drops Marketplace commissions a 5% fee on all sales of
locked liquidity executed in ETH. This fee is incurred by the
seller. No fee is comissioned on sales executed using the
DROPS token as payment.
What are the benefits of holding DROPS Token?
DROPS Token holders directly benefit from marketplace
activity. The DROPS Token is bought back & burned as well as
distributed to stakers and LP providers using fees collected
via the marketplace and token trading activity.